Ascension Reiki can help to raise your love vibration upwards and outwards as you are guided through a series of energetic upgrades and powerful vibrational uplifts for your journey forwards. May you enjoy these beautiful healing energies and may your ascension help to bring much love, happiness, peace and unity to the infinite all.

Ascension Reiki is a service I offer to my Reiki clients. My ongoing Ascension journey hasĀ  spanned a deep four years exploring the Love Consciousness, opening into my True Nature and so much amazing clearing with the Reiki systems at Love Inspiration. A session with me will bring my Master Teacher expertise that can recalibrate you to the deeper you with so much more lightness! It is a fantastic way to move onto a fulfilling journey of self discovery.

Call me on 0421045780 to make an appointment today.

For the souls resonating with doing the courses themselves, I highly recommend them – its an impressive suite of energies that will catapult your life to levels you have not experienced. It has moved me from the Dark Night of My Soul to the Much Lighter Days of My Soul.